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Student Information

Sonoma State University is proud to offer the Seawolf Bundle, a learning material delivery program that provides access to your required learning materials in a convenient package before the first day of class. With this program, all your required learning materials are included in your tuition. The Seawolf Bundle program costs a low, flat fee of $18.50 per credit hour. The Seawolf Bundle will cost $277.50 per semester for 15 credit hours. For the traditional model, financial aid factors $497 per semester for learning materials. This program will began in the Fall 2023 semester and is for undergraduate and graduate students. This is primarily a rental program. Students can choose to purchase the textbook or learning material for a nominal additional fee.

There is an opt-out provision for those wishing to not participate in the program and fee. Please see more information below for all students.

How It Works

Register for Class

All students will be automatically enrolled in the program. Once you’ve successfully selected your courses, the University Store will start preparing your order.

Verify Your Order

Starting 30 days before the first day of classes, you will receive an order verification link to your SSU email to verify your order and select your delivery preference (in-store pickup or direct ship-to-home).

Receive Your Textbooks

An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships. Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Canvas.

Student FAQs


Seawolf Bundle is a learning material model that lowers the cost of materials for students and ensures students have access to required learning materials on or before the first day of class. Through this new program, physical books will be conveniently packaged and provided to students on a rental basis, and digital materials will be delivered directly within Canvas. Costs will be included in tuition. At the end of the term, students will receive email reminders to return their physical learning materials to the University Store.

  • Register for your classes and the University Store will start preparing your learning materials
  • 30 days before classes start, you will receive an email instructing you to select your delivery preference (in-store pickup or shipped directly to you)
  • An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships
  • Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Canvas

Here is a video walkthrough of a general student experience of the First Day Complete (Seawolf Bundle) program.

The program provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes, and digital textbook versions to eligible students.

The program does not include consumables that cannot be returned and reused including but not limited to:

  • Lab Goggles
  • Lab Coats
  • Lab Manuals (carbon/carbonless)
  • CoursePacks
  • Dissection Kits
  • Testing Forms (scantrons/blue books)
  • Music Stave/Notebooks
  • Study Guides (BarCharts)
  • Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, and Thesaurus'
  • Nursing Scrubs
  • Nursing/Medical equipment
  • Art Supplies (pens, pencils, paint, canvas, brushes, clay, photo supplies, metal/etching, etc.)
  • Molecular Model Kits

All eligible students will be automatically enrolled in the Seawolf Bundle program. There is an opt-out provision for those wishing to not participate in the program and fee.

Students will receive emails and phone calls from the University Store to remind them to verify their order. If the student does not opt-out, their learning materials will be held at the University Store and their student account will be charged.

Yes, if the student does not opt-out, their learning materials will be held at the University Store and their student account will be charged.

You may return the learning materials to the University Store on the same terms and timelines currently in place. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the University Store will “swap” the required textbooks/codes so that you have what you need.

At this time, intersession courses are not included as part of the Seawolf Bundle. We hope to have them included in the future. 


The Seawolf Bundle program will cost a low, flat fee of $18.50 per credit hour. The Seawolf Bundle will cost $277.50 per semester for 15 credit hours. For the traditional model, financial aid factors $497 per semester for learning materials.

All your required learning materials are included in your tuition at $18.50 per credit hour.

All SSU students pay the same rate for tuition, fees, and health insurance, regardless of major, but financial inequity has remained when it comes to textbooks and other course materials costs. By modeling the textbook charge after other costs of attendance, Equitable Access will reduce this financial inequity so that every student has access to the same academic opportunities, regardless of the field in which they choose to study.

The financial aid calculation will not change and will be based on the higher figure provided by the Chancellor's Office.

Payment is due when registration is due for the University.


Yes, there is a low-cost print option available and nominal pricing varies.


The deadline to return all rental textbooks is the last day of finals. Students will receive email reminders about the rental deadline to their email address.

Yes, the program provides you with the option to purchase textbooks at a reduced rate during the return period.

Yes, you will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued the same title for the next semester of the continuation course.

Yes, feel free to highlight, dog-ear pages, or write notes in the book if it is a rental.


While it is expected that the Seawolf Bundle Program will save most students money, students have the option to opt-out of this program by starting on the B&N Adoption website. Students who chose to opt-out of the Seawolf Bundle Program will not receive access to required course materials in a convenient package at a discounted rate and will be responsible for purchasing all required course materials from the University Store or another source. Access to digital materials provided as part of the Seawolf Bundle Program in Canvas will be removed after the opt-out window has ended. You may opt-out of the Seawolf Bundle Program each semester beginning 30 days before the first day of class and until the final add/drop day of class.

Students will be responsible for purchasing their required learning materials outside of the program. They will lose any inclusive electronic learning material access they may have had and will not receive any printed material. They may still get these items individually from the University Store, or from wherever they see fit. 

Yes, you will have 48 hours after opting out to return your textbooks. If you do not return the textbooks, the charges for the Seawolf Bundle Program will remain on your tuition/fees account, to be repaid just as you would a registered course fee.

To change your status and opt into the Seawolf Bundle program, please click on the B&N Adoption website. You may opt-out of the Seawolf Bundle Program each semester beginning 30 days before the first day of class and until the final add/drop day of class.

Yes, you have the opportunity to opt-out or opt back in all the way through the add/drop period.

You can view course information on the B&N Adoption website and can do an economic analysis to see how much learning materials and textbooks are a la carte and compare to the cost to participate in the program.