The Seawolf Bundle program is addressing concerns from student feedback about the cost of learning materials and faculty feedback that learning materials are not available on the first day of class. In addition, learning material costs vary by major creating equity issues for students. A learning material delivery method referred to generally as “Equitable Access” was explored to help solve these concerns. The resulting Seawolf Bundle is our attempt to create timely affordable access to all learning material.
Summary of the Program
A workgroup to study the concept and determine the feasibility of implementation was formed with representatives from the Academic Senate, Associated Students, Staff, and Sonoma State Enterprises. The workgroup studied the concept, consulted with the appropriate campus consultative bodies, and recommended the program be submitted to campus consultative bodies and leadership for approval.
Summary of the Approvals
- May of 2022, the Associated Students Board of Directors passed a resolution in support of implementing the Equitable Access/First Day Complete program and fee to begin in the Spring of 2023. (After consultation, it was determined to wait till Fall 2023 to implement)
- May of 2022, the Student Fee Advisory Council voted to recommend the Equitable Access/First Day Complete program and fee be forwarded to the President for approval.
- May of 2022, after her consultation with the Faculty Standards and Affairs Committee chair, the Academic Senate Chair communicated that consultation with the faculty on this matter is complete and no further action from faculty governance is needed.
Equitable Access programs have been launched across the country. Sonoma State University in partnership with Barnes & Noble College has launched a new program, First Day Complete (known as Seawolf Bundle at SSU), which was implemented in the Fall 2023 semester. Barnes and Noble’s First Day Complete product is their version of an Equitable Access program. Over 200 of their serviced campuses have either implemented or are in the process of implementing, First Day Complete.
For program questions, please contact Neil Markley, Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance at neil.markley@sonoma.edu.
For adoptions and how the program works, please contact Steve Higginbotham, Manager for University Store at sm499@bncollege.com.